Photographing Trauma

The Sentinel, Blue Ridge Parkway

There are some images that haunt you./ For me this is one of them.

They have a depth of soul that touches us to our core and yet to look at them whether in color or black and white you are hard pressed to find the one thing about them that moves you. Often times it’s not the Subject, the lighting or the compensation, It’s purely the struggles and life that the artist and subject bring to the piece.

So many photographers passed this same spot in the space of a few hours. The conditions were the same, the lighting was the same and the solid resolute tree was the same. However, the shots taken were not. Why? The only variant the person behind the lens. What did I see on this cool rainy, June morning on the Parkway that stopped me in my tracks? The Path that I walked to get to the tree was long and arduous. I brought with me baggage from many past traumas. Did this lead me to recognize a kindred soul in the Tree standing resolutely against the wind and rain,? Weathered,. beaten and scared but still, despite being in it’s last tenants stalwart and strong against the elements.

I believe it was. I believe that our trauma is something we unpack unexpectedly and it can unfold wherever we go.. Not everything gets packed neatly away.. But this photo reminds me that trauma can be beautiful. This tree is powerful, It has fought hard in the face of opposition and yet managed to keep it’s face held high to the sky as if to say “I’m Here” “I’m Important” “I have stood watch on this hillside and I have overcome trials and tribulations.” “Even though I am scarred from battle and I’ve lost my finery;” “I rise up over the valley and I am beautiful”

Be Bold Be Brave Be You

<3 S

The Sentinel Is my most shown piece. It has been exhibited in multiple countries and in Spartanburg,,SC..

***Limited prints are available by special request.



Busy as a Bee in Blowing Rock, NC